Snow & Ice Storms

Cincinnati Severe Snow & Ice Storms (since 1977)

Date Snowfall Wind Deaths Effects
February 2007 6 inches 40 mph 6 3-day power outage; roads blocked
January 1978 28 inches 70 mph 51 buried houses; roads blocked; airports closed (days); National Guard Deployed
January 1977 31.5 inches 60 mph 20 frozen water pipes; furnaces malfunctioned; National Guard deployed

Prepare for Snow/Ice Storms

  • Make a preparedness kit. Periodically check that items work.
  • Develop and practice a plan.
  • Insulate your home (walls, pipes, attic).

Travel Safety

  • Prepare a Winter Car Kit.
    • Water and non-perishable food
    • Shovel and windshield scraper
    • Heavy blankets
    • Battery operated radio
    • Cell phone
    • Flashlight (extra batteries)
    • First Aid Kit
    • Candles and matches
    • Red flag/bandana (to signal for help)
  • Winterize your car before first snowfall.
  • Keep your gas tank at least half full.
  • Avoid unnecessary trips.
  • If you must drive, then stay on the safest roads.

If Your Vehicle Gets Stuck

  • Stay in your car! Do not try to walk to safety.
  • Run your car's engine for 10 minutes every hour.
  • Crack a window (facing away from prevailing wind).
  • Wrap your entire body with cloth and huddle with passengers for body heat.
  • Stay awake and keep body parts moving
  • Tie a red flag/bandana around your vehicle's antenna.