
Past Events

  • Cincinnati, Ohio (November 24, 2008) - House fire claims three lives. Outdated wiring is probable cause of fire
  • Southgate, Kentucky (May 28, 1977) - Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire claims 165 lives. Poor construction practices are cited as a principal cause of the fire, and overcrowding was found to contribute to high death count.
  • Chicago, Illinois (October 8-10, 1871) - 2,000 acres of downtown Chicago burned. Hundreds died, and 90,000 people were left homeless. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

Fire can spread quickly and cause devastation to people and property. Practicing fire safety can help prevent fires from starting.

Practice Fire Safety To Prevent Fires

  • Install smoke detectors -- one for each sleeping area, plus one on each floor.
  • Test smoke detectors monthly and replace batteries at least once each year. Regularly replace smoke detectors at least once every 10 years.
  • Develop and practice an escape plan at work and home; in advance, part of your plan should be a safe meeting place outside the building where everyone can be accounted for.
  • Create alternative routes in case of blocked paths.
  • Purchase fire extinguishers, learn how to use them and have them regularly serviced.
  • Regularly discuss fire safety with children (nearly 25% of home fires are started by children playing with fire).

Advised Action During A Fire

  • Do NOT stay inside a burning building to pack personal belongings.
  • If you must exit through smoke, cover your mouth and stay low; temperatures at eye level can reach 600o F!
  • Before entering rooms, check doors for heat. If the door is hot, then try alternative escape routes.
  • Escape a burning building first, and then call the Fire Department.
  • If fire/smoke traps you inside, call 911 and signal for help by hanging bright-colored cloth or shine flashlights out the window.
  • If your clothes catch fire, then STOP, DROP and ROLL.