Communicable Disease Unit

The Cincinnati Health Department’s (CHD) Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit responds to all Reportable Disease and Outbreak reports in the City of Cincinnati following the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Infectious Disease Control Manual guidelines and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.

According to the Ohio Communicable Disease Reporting Requirements, the following must report to the local health department:

  • Healthcare providers (physicians, hospitals, infection preventionists) with knowledge of a case or suspected case of a disease which is required to be reported,
  • laboratorians who examine specimens of human origin with evidence of diseases which are required to be reported, and
  • any individual having knowledge of a person suffering from a disease suspected of being communicable.

The complete list of reportable diseases can be found here.

The CHD Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit is comprised of full time Public Health Nurses (RNs), Epidemiologists, and Administrative Technician support.

In addition to full-time staff, contractual staff have provided COVID-related support to the community through investigation and outbreak response, congregate setting support, and related resources to Cincinnatians since 2020. 

COVID-19 Dashboard
Communicable Disease Dashboard
2023-24 Respiratory Illnesses Information (CDC)


Fact Sheets


Communicable Disease Hot Topics