General Public

Persons involved in terrorist activity often exhibit indicators that, if observed, could identify a potential impending crime or terrorist attack.

The following is a list of some of the characteristics of such persons that you should be aware of. You CAN identify a terrorist threat by observing suspicious activity that may lead to a criminal act!

Recognizing Suspicious Activity

Identifying suspicious activity is not a hard science. You have to rely on your judgment. Your suspicion of a threat could be confirmed with one incident. It could take a series of incidents. In the long run, it comes down to:

  • Experience
  • Judgment
  • Common Sense

Unusual Request for Information

Unusual requests for information can be a warning sign of terrorist activity:

  • A telephone request at work asking about the security system
  • Questions about the habits of your Chief Executive Officer
  • A mail survey asking for comments on the response time and habits of emergency personnel
  • Although possibly legitimate, these are also techniques used by terrorists to gather information while planning an attack. Do NOT give out sensitive information unless you know the party you're talking to and they have a need for that information.

Unusual Activity in High Risk or Symbolic Targets

Maybe you are at a National Monument and you notice a person nearby taking a lot of photos. Not unusual. But then you notice that he is only taking photos of the surveillance cameras, crash barriers at the entrances, and access control procedures. Is that normal for a tourist? Absolutely not.

The following should cause a heightened sense of concern:

  • Unusual interest in surveillance
  • Inappropriate photographs or videos
  • Note-taking
  • Drawing of diagrams
  • Annotating maps
  • Using binoculars or night vision devices

Unusual activity does not necessary mean that terrorist activity is happening, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of:

  • People acting furtively and suspiciously
  • People avoiding eye contract
  • People departing quickly when seen or approached
  • People in places they don't belong
  • A strong odor coming from a building or vehicle
  • An overloaded vehicle
  • Fluid leaking from a vehicle, other than the engine or gas tank
  • People over dressed for the weather

Providing an Accurate Report

In order to be as helpful as possible with terrorist investigations, it is important to give a thorough report when notifying law enforcement. Let's go over guidelines, suggestions, and the type of detail you will need to supply to an officer responding to your call of suspicious activity. Keep in mind, the responding office may only have the information you gave at the time of your call.

There are two key elements in giving a good report:

  • Accuracy
  • Timeliness

It is important for the responding officer to quickly spot the suspicious person or activity. You can help by providing details and creating a "word picture". Changeable details such as activity are important but may not be the same once the officer arrives. Permanent details are very important because they are difficult to change quickly. 

When Reporting Suspicious Persons         When Reporting Suspicious Vehicles When Reporting Suspicious Activity 


  • Hair Color
  • Facial Hair
  • Race
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Size
  • Scars
  • Tattoos
  • Disabilities


  • License Plate Number
  • Make
  • Model
  • Color
  • Body Damage
  • Bumper Stickers or Decals
  • Accessories
  • Never put you or your family in harms way
  • Never confront or involve yourself in suspicious activity
  • Just quickly explain what you saw
  • Tell why you believe it is suspicious activity
  • Write as much as possible down!

Practice developing descriptions of vehicles you see on your commute or people you encounter in your everyday activities. The more you practice, the better your observation skills will become and the better you will do when nervous or excited.

Who to Call

Emergency: If you think a life is in danger or a serious crime is about to be committed, Call 9-1-1. If you are within an office building or place of business, you may first need to dial an access number for an outside line.

Non-Emergency: If it is not an emergency, but you think that the person or situation should be investigated, do NOT tie up the E911 emergency number, instead contact the GCFC. Perhaps you notice suspicious activity that doesn't warrant immediate attention or a past incident or person is still on your mind, you can pass that information along to authorities by calling the GCFC.

GCFC Hotline: 513-263-8000
FBI Cincinnati, Joint Terrorism Task Force: 513-421-4310