Self Storage / Warehouse Units

Be alert to suspicious customer activity:

Persons involved in terrorist activity often exhibit indicators that if observed could identify a potential impending crime or terrorist attack.  The following is a list of some of the characteristics of such persons that you should be aware of during the course of your business.

  • Customer insists on paying cash, sometimes weeks or months in advance
  • Customer seems overly concerned about privacy
  • Customer frequently visits the storage facility late at night or at unusual times
  • Customer exhibits suspicious behavior when approached by rental employees or security personnel
  • Customer has unusual fumes, liquids, residues or odors emanating from storage unit
  • Customer displays burns or chemical exposure symptoms and provides vague or irrational explanation for the injuries
  • Customer discards chemical containers in storage facility dumpster

Storage of the following items may also be cause for concern.

  • Pesticides
  • Weapons or ammunition
  • Flight manuals or other similar materials
  • Large delivery vehicles, vans, cargo containers, trailers or related equipment
  • Laboratory equipment (e.g.,flask, sealed containers) or protective clothing (e.g., surgical masks, gas masks, rubber gloves, self contained breathing apparatuses), incinerators, incubators, cell cultures, agricultural sprayers, improvised showers or eye baths, and textbooks and journals discussing biology, chemistry, explosives or poisons
  • Large quantities of fuel
  • Agricultural or industrial chemicals and/or equipment
  • Explosives, blasting caps, fuses and/or similar items

None of the listed actions, in and of themselves, constitutes a criminal violation.  However, when coupled, the acts may indicate suspicious activity that warrants law enforcement scrutiny.  If you observe person(s) acting suspiciously, as described above, please contact local law enforcement immediately.