Motels / Hotels

Be alert to suspicious customer activity:

Persons involved in terrorist activity often exhibit indicators that if observed could identify a potential impending crime or terrorist attack.  The following is a list of some of the characteristics of such persons that you should be aware of during the course of your business.

  • Arrives without reservations and insists on paying cash
  • Checks into room for extended stay and pays cash in advance
  • Appears to be secretive about how many individuals will be occupying the room, and their identity
  • Requests a room away from others
  • Requests specific view of bridges, airports, military or government installations (for observation purpose)
  • Refuses housekeeping services that prohibits staff from entering room or displays the "Do Not Disturb" sign
  • Acts paranoid, secretive
  • Has limited activity or seems to be waiting for someone
  • Receives frequent, suspicious or unusual visitors
  • Uses payphones or cell phones only, not room phone
  • Leaves for a day or more without checking out between days
  • Strange or suspicious items or documents in guest room
  • Makes anti-American comments

In addition to the characteristics previously listed, other signs of terrorist activity may be found within the rooms rented by the suspected person or persons.

  • Flight manuals or other similar materials
  • Weapons or ammunition
  • Electronic surveillance equipment in room
  • Area Maps (possibly depicting high profile targets such as government buildings, religious buildings, event sites or water, gas or electric plant)
  • Photographs, sketches or blueprints of buildings and landmarks
  • Unusual odors emanating from the room
  • Industrial chemicals being stored within the room

None of the listed actions, in and of themselves, constitutes a criminal violation.  However, when coupled, the acts may indicate suspicious activity that warrants law enforcement scrutiny.  If you observe person(s) acting suspiciously, as described above, please contact local law enforcement immediately.