Hobby Shops

Be alert to suspicious customer activity:

Persons involved in terrorist activity often exhibit indicators that if observed could identify a potential impending crime or terrorist attack.  The following is a list of some of the characteristics of such persons that you should be aware of during the course of your business.

  • Exhibits nervous behavior
  • Exhibits secretive and/or paranoid behavior
  • Uses cash for large transactions
  • Uses a credit card registered in someone else's name
  • Presents a questionable, fraudulent or recently issued driver's license
  • Resides in distant city/state
  • Purchases remote-controlled aircraft but has no knowledge about how to operate it
  • Interest in remote-control hobby aircraft does not seem genuine
  • Inquires about remote-control aircraft, aircraft payload capacity and maximum range of aircraft
  • Wants to learn how to fly giant scale aircraft without first learning to fly small aircraft
  • Purchases several large aircraft, engines or transmitters

None of the listed actions, in and of themselves, constitutes a criminal violation.  However, when coupled, the acts may indicate suspicious activity that warrants law enforcement scrutiny.  If you observe person(s) acting suspiciously, as described above, please contact local law enforcement immediately.