Apartment / Complexes

Persons involved in terrorist activity often exhibit indicators that if observed could identify a potential impending crime or terrorist attack.

The following is a list of some of the characteristics of such persons that you should be aware of during the course of business.

  • City apartments are prime locations for launching assigned missions, such as gathering information and materials necessary to carry out terrorist activity.
  • Rents accommodations using a false name
  • Reluctance to give personal and/or work information
  • Uses a credit card registered in someone else's name
  • Exhibits secretive and/or paranoid behavior about giving I.D. information
  • Appears to be secretive about how many individuals will occupy the apartment
  • Presents a questionable, fraudulent, or recently issued driver's license
  • Prefers ground floor apartment (which can facilitate escape)
  • Chooses secluded, least visible apartment
  • Keeps shades drawn at all times
  • Replaces rental unit's locks and keys
  • Receives frequent suspicious or unusual visitors
  • Follows no established departure or return routine, such as a work schedule
  • Lack of furniture

None of the listed actions, in and of themselves, constitutes a criminal violation. However, when coupled, the acts may indicate suspicious activity that warrants law enforcement scrutiny. If you observe person(s) acting suspiciously, as described above, please contact local law enforcement immediately.