CFD Training FAQ's


Q: I made it through the hiring process and will be in the next recruit class. What can I expect next?

A: Good Job! You should be proud of your hard work. However, the fun is just beginning. Recruit training with the Cincinnati Fire Department (CFD) is a challenging, rewarding and exhausting experience!

All new recruits attend the CFD Training Center for 30 weeks. This rigorous program offers classroom as well as hands on training. Physical fitness training is a daily requirement. Many new recruits come to the CFD with prior Fire or EMS training. Regardless of prior training or certifications, most recruits attend all 30 weeks of the CFD recruit school except for Nationally Certified EMT’s & Paramedics at the Fire Chief’s discretion.

Q: What are the recruit school hours?

A: As a recruit your day may begin with physical fitness training at 0800 hours. Typically, the day ends at 1700 hours but that may vary due to the applications being taught that day. School days are Monday through Friday. You will be paid while in recruit school. However, you will not be able to hold other employment while in recruit school. Once you graduate you may resume your part time job, if you have one.

Q: Do I need previous knowledge of fire fighting?

A: No. Previous knowledge is certainly helpful as it will make you more comfortable with the material. However, you will learn everything you need to be a successful firefighter from the training staff at the CFD. It is their goal to make sure that you are knowledgeable about the fire service while in a controlled, monitored environment. You are there to learn and they are there to teach. Ask questions!

Q: What areas of study are included in recruit training?

A: Recruit class begins with a swearing in ceremony and then it is right to work. The first week is orientation. During this week you will be getting to know your fellow classmates, your instructors and what is expected of you as a Cincinnati Firefighter.

Beyond that first week, your recruit training schedule will include, but is not limited to 8 weeks of EMT class, 2 weeks of Hazardous Materials Technician class, 20 weeks of Fire School, physical fitness training 1 hour per day, Flashover training, Extrication training and exposure to the various tactical areas of the CFD. Once you graduate and are out in the companies you will have opportunities to expand and be certified on any of those areas that interested you.

Q: Do we get to do anything fun?

A: Absolutely! Your fellow classmates will become your lifelong friends on the fire department. Several activities that you do during recruit class help create that bond. Each recruit class is assigned a number. For instance, Class #118 will be the next class hired.

Each class will design its own slogan, class t-shirt with logo, and service project. During EMT class many evenings will involve study group sessions. Toward the end of class there will be a family night where recruits invite their families in and show them what they have learned.

Q: Can I get college credit for what I have learned in recruit school?

A: Yes! Currently Cincinnati State offer 18 hours of college credit for completed recruit school. The CFD has a college incentive pay program that is based on the # of hours of college credit you acquire. Recruit school training also qualifies for GI Bill Benefits. If you are eligible, you will need to fill out a form once you are hired.

Q: Will I receive a Firefighter badge after completing recruit training?

A: Yes. It will be given at the graduation ceremony.