Structural Collapse at 2118 Kemper Ln, Walnut Hills Neighborhood

Aug 17, 2023



District 1, (O) 513-352-2311 (C) 531-368-1258
Gregory Martin, District Fire Chief,

Address: 2118 Kemper Ln, Walnut Hills Neighborhood

Dispatch Time: 07:14 hrs

Type of Incident: Structural Collapse

Response Efforts/Number of Firefighters on Scene: 33 Firefighters

Civilian or Firefighter Injuries: None

Estimated Damage: $100,000

Cause: Natural

Number of People Displaced: 0

Smoke Detectors Present: N/A

Incident Description: 

CFD units were dispatched to the above address due to the report of a structural collapse. On arrival at the scene, units reported that a long, approx 40' high natural stone retaining wall behind the building had an upper section collapse onto 3 vehicles parked below. The middle vehicle of the 3 parked in the rear parking area was heavily damaged by the fallen rock debris. The other 2 vehicles sustained moderate damage. Crews were able to quickly determine there were no victims in the 2 outside vehicles. The middle vehicle that was heavily damaged was winched to a safe area outside the secondary collapse zone. Members of both Heavy Rescues then began removing debris to find any possible victims inside of the vehicle. During this process, other CFD and CPD members were able to locate the owner of the heavily damaged vehicle and determine no one was inside of it. The rear parking area was cordoned off due to the instability of the large retaining wall. The Building Department was notified to respond to the scene. There were no civilian nor firefighter injuries at this scene.


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