CFD Mission to Kenya Africa

Oct 27, 2015

Two Members Represent Cincinnati Fire Department on Mission to Kenya

Two members of the Cincinnati Fire Department (CFD) spent two weeks in November providing outreach to firefighters in Kenya with the locally-founded non-profit organization Africa Fire Mission.

This was Captain Matt Flagler’s third trip of this nature to Kenya, and joining him this year for his first trip was Firefighter and President of Cincinnati Firefighters Union Local 48, Matt Alter.

The team consisted of 20 U.S. firefighters. They headed to Nairobi, a city of 5 million people that is serviced by less than 200 firefighters. During the trip, the team conducted a training academy with courses in Urban Search and Rescue, Fire Prevention/Community Outreach, Fire Investigation, and Leadership/Mentoring.

“While the needs of the fire service in Kenya are great; so too is the opportunity to have a meaningful impact on this region.  I am honored to be a part of a team serving my brother and sister firefighters in Africa,” said Flagler of the upcoming mission.

The trip was voluntarily funded by Africa Fire Mission members’ private fundraising efforts and online donations. The organization also accepts clean, useable fire equipment and training materials to be shipped to firefighters in Africa.

More information may be found at 


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