About Finance

Department Of Finance

The Department of Finance is the fiscal office of the City, with responsibility for the Divisions of Accounts and Audits, Income Tax, Risk Management, and Treasury. All receipts and disbursements are channeled through this department.

Accounts & Audits Division

The Accounts & Audits Division maintains the records on the financial position of each of the City's nearly 200 funds, monitors annual expenditures assuring that expenditures are within the available resources, prepares the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, and assures acceptance of the City's fund accounting system by Federal, State and independent auditors.

This Division is responsible for the bi-weekly payroll system, supports the Cincinnati Human Resources Information System, prepares the annual Cost Allocation Plan and indirect cost rates for Federal grants, maintains records regarding unemployment benefits of former employees charged to the City, monitors compliance with the appropriation/spending requirement of the infrastructure tax levy, is the custodian of all official bonds, deeds and contracts of the City, and supports the Cincinnati Financial System.

Income Tax Division

The Income Tax Division provides taxpayer service and education, ensures taxpayer compliance with the City's tax code, pursues payment of past due tax liabilities, and processes income tax forms and payments.

Risk Management Division

The Risk Management Division includes the following sections:

  • Employee Safety, the City's occupational health and safety compliance section 
  • Employee Benefits, including the City's self-insured medical, dental and vision plans, life insurance, LTD, and other ancillary benefits 
  • Workers' Compensation, the City's Return to Work Program, and the City's Injury with Pay benefits
  • Employee Health Services (EHS), the City's onsite occupational health and urgent care clinic 
  • Healthy Lifestyles, the City's employee wellness plan
  • Public Employee's Assistance Program (PEAP)

Treasury Division

The Treasury Division aims to fulfill all of its statutory responsibilities in ways which efficiently and economically give the citizens of Cincinnati safety, liquidity, and yield in the collection, investment and disbursement of their money, operating at all times to the highest ethical standards.

We will accomplish our mission by identifying, employing, training, supporting, and advancing well-qualified and highly motivated people, providing them clear and consistent policy guidance, and giving them the working environment and state of the art equipment they need to perform fully to their capabilities.