911 Address Flag

Do you have information you think would be helpful to have available to our 911 center staff in the event of an emergency affecting you, your family, your home, or your place of business? There are several ways to accomplish this - see below to determine what would be best.

For Facility Owners & Operators

Cincinnati 911 uses Smart911 Facility Profiles to gather potentially lifesaving information, in advance, about business or campus locations where someone may need help in Cincinnati. The profile you create will be available to 911 call-takers when someone calls 911 from your facility.

Learn More - Facility

For Individuals and Households

To provide information to 911 that will only be accessible when you or your family members call 911, you should create a Smart911 Safety Profile. This is the best and easiest way to provide lifesaving information to 911. You can create and maintain your profile using the Smart911 app. 

Learn More - Smart911 Safety Profile

911 Address Flag

To provide safety information to 911 that is tied to an address, and will be accessible to 911 no matter who calls about that address, we must create a 911 Address Flag in our center's Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. If your needs are met by creating a Smart911 Safety Profile, you do not need to request a 911 Address Flag.

  Smart911 Safety Profile Cincinnati 911 Address Flag
When is it used by 911? Available to 911 when you or your family members call 911. Available to 911 when anyone calls 911 about the address that was flagged.
What 911 center does this work with? Cincinnati 911, Hamilton County 911, and other 911 centers in our region have access to Smart911. Cincinnati 911 only.
How do I create and manage this information? Create a profile in the Smart911 app. Update or delete your profile any time using the app on your phone. Submit a form to Cincinnati 911 to create or provide updates. The information is kept on file for 1 year and must be resubmitted annually.
Where is the information stored? The information is stored by Smart911 and not by the City of Cincinnati. It is protected and only available to our staff in the event you or your family members call 911. The information is stored by the City of Cincinnati.

You may want to request a 911 Address Flag if:

  • There is information about your address that should be available to 911, no matter who is calling about your address.
  • You have been or anticipate your residence being the target of a "swatting" crime.