Traffic Calming

  • Speed Cushion

    Speed Cushion 

  • Speed hump

    Speed Hump 

DOTE works hand-in-hand with community councils to identify and prioritize streets in need of traffic calming. 

Two primary tools will be used to calm traffic in these priority areas: speed humps and speed cushions. A speed hump is an asphalt hump that extends from curb to curb, and is installed on lower volume residential streets.

A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, but is installed on higher volume streets where emergency vehicles are more likely to be traveling. Speed cushions are constructed out of concrete, and have wheel cut outs to allow emergency vehicles to pass through without slowing down as much as they would need to for a speed hump. Regular-sized cars and trucks however must reduce their speed to the speed limit in order to drive over the speed cushion comfortably.        

If you are interested in traffic calming for a street in your neighborhood, please contact your community council

View the list of funded 2023/2024 Community Priority Requests.

This is a biennial, competitive program. Each community council may submit two streets (of any type) for consideration. The deadline for community councils to submit their priority location will be in the spring of 2025.  Construction will occur in 2026 and 2027.

If you are interested in traffic calming for a street in your neighborhood, please contact your community council

This is a competitive program. Each community council was able to submit one street for consideration. The deadline for community councils to submit their priority location was May 31, 2024. All requests will be scored, and then ranked using the criteria below:

  • # of pedestrian crashes within ¼ linear mile (on the requested street) between 2021 and 2023.

  • # of cars speeding in a 48-hour period

  • Proximity to a neighborhood business district, park, recreation area, health center, school, library

  • Equity data (% of residents without access to a vehicle, % of households with income 125% or less than poverty level, etc)

Community councils will be updated on their request status in September 2024, and a ranked list of all community council requests will be posted here. Funding will be allocated to the most urgent/at-risk locations first, until all funding has been expended. Construction will occur in spring 2025.