Full-Time, On-Street Parking on Ludlow Avenue in Clifton Business District
Aug 15, 2019
CINCINNATI – A pilot project meant to calm traffic along Ludlow Avenue goes into effect this Monday, Aug. 19, creating full-time, on-street parking between Cornell Place and Brookline Avenue in the Clifton Business District.
Current restrictions that prohibit parking on both sides of the street during morning and evening rush hours are being eliminated and motorists will be allowed to park on both sides of the street 24/7. The change comes at the request of Clifton residents and business owners, including the Clifton Town Meeting group and the Clifton Professional and Business Association.
Representatives from both groups have been meeting with the City’s Department of Transportation & Engineering for several months to work out the details.
A similar pilot project on Hamilton Avenue in the Northside Business District resulted in a significant reduction in crashes, from 15 crashes to 5 for the same time period in 2017 versus 2018.