Central Parkway Reimagined: City and its Consultant Share the Draft Preferred Alternative at Open House

Oct 26, 2023

CINCINNATI – During a public open house Thursday, Oct. 26, the Cincinnati Department of Transportation & Engineering and its design consultant shared the draft preferred alternative to remake Central Parkway between Plum and Liberty streets. 

The draft preferred alternative was developed from four preliminary concepts shared with the public in late August. Those concepts and the current draft are based on feedback gathered during a public work session and from surveys.

Highlights include:
•    Significantly increased landscaping and tree canopy
•    Half the amount of pavement
•    Nearly half as much median area 
•    Raised, planted medians, where possible 
•    A large pedestrian plaza adjacent to TQL Stadium
•    Greatly reduced pedestrian crosswalk distances
•    Separated/protected sidewalk-level bike lanes along the length of the corridor
•    New lighting along the entire corridor and at intersections
•    New traffic signals 
The draft preferred alternative also:
•    Maintains at least one lane of traffic in each direction and, in certain areas, two lanes of traffic
•    Adds turn lanes at intersections
•    Includes on-street parking where possible/functional and desired

“This concept reflects what the community has shared with us over the last few months – a much greener, safer and pedestrian-friendly corridor that helps to reestablish the original vision for Central Parkway,” said Jeff Stine, the city’s project manager. “We wouldn’t be at this point without the many thoughtful and creative comments we’ve received and will continue to receive during this process.”

The project team shared details of the concept via a series of renderings and collected the public’s input during the open house at Memorial Hall in OTR. Please see renderings attached.

Those unable to attend the open house may view the same information on the project website, including a video of the presentation and downloadable illustrations. All are encouraged to share feedback online, also on the project website. Comments are due by Nov. 26.

The project team will incorporate the last round of public input to help develop the final version of the preferred alternative, which will include preliminary cost estimates for construction. The final version will be shared with the public by the end of the year or early in the new year.

The goal of the project is to transform the north-south stretch of Central Parkway by Music Hall and TQL Stadium into a greener, more user-friendly roadway that connects Downtown’s Central Business District, Over-the-Rhine and the West End while prioritizing safety and mobility for all travelers by using “Complete Street” principles. 





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