East Walnut Hills Two-Way Street Conversion Project
East McMillan Street and William Howard Taft Road between Victory Parkway and Woodburn Avenue are being converted from their current one-way traffic patterns to two ways in summer 2022. McMillan is currently eastbound only and Taft is westbound only in those segments.
The new configuration is an extension of a previous two-way conversion of McMillan and Taft in adjacent Walnut Hills.
Motorists will soon be able to travel eastbound and westbound on Taft between May Street and Columbia Parkway and on McMillan between the ramp for Interstate 71 to the merger of McMillan and Taft close to Columbia Parkway.
Planning for this segment of the roadway conversion began in 2017. The Department of Transportation & Engineering (DOTE) met with businesses, residents and other stakeholders for public input on the $3.2 million project. Funding includes East Walnut Hills tax increment financing and city capital.
DOTE, with design coordination from the Walnut Hills Stakeholder committee, converted William Howard Taft Road and East McMillan Street in the Walnut Hills neighborhood to two-way traffic in October 2012. Due to the success of that project, East Walnut Hills residents and businesses asked that the City consider two-way operation on streets in their neighborhood as well.
Staff from DOTE prepared alternatives for traffic flow and streetscape enhancements on streets in East Walnut Hills. These include:
- East McMillan Street between Victory Parkway and Woodburn Avenue
- William Howard Taft Road between Victory Parkway and Woodburn Avenue
- Woodburn Avenue between William Howard Taft Road and East McMillan Street
Various alternatives were discussed at community meetings in November 2014 and February 2015. At that time, it was decided to wait and coordinate efforts for the street conversion with the redevelopment of the Anthem site.
In 2017, the East Walnut Hills Stakeholder Group was formed to review the proposed site plans for the redevelopment of the Anthem site as they relate to the larger task of developing alternatives for the two-way conversion of the street network.
After many meetings and alternative designs, the Stakeholders selected a preferred option for the conversion of the McMillan, Taft and Woodburn in the summer of 2018.
View drawings and a summary of the preferred option via the following links:
If you have any comments or questions, please contact one of the following:
Brad Johnston
Department of Transportation & Engineering
Email: brad.johnston@cincinnati-oh.gov
Phone: (513)352-3634
Marc Von Allmen
Department of Community & Economic Development
Email: marc.vonallmen@cincinnati-oh.gov
Phone: (513)352-4549