
  • Bridges are inspected by the City on an annual basis

    Bridges are inspected by the City of Cincinnati annually 

  • Kennedy Avenue Bridge Side View on Top

    Kennedy Avenue Bridge Replacement • New bridge completed in 2021

  • Marburg Bridge

    Marburg Bridge Reconstruction • Marburg Avenue

  • Rehabilitation of Ida Street Bridge in Mount Adams

    Rehabilitation of Galbraith Rd Bridge over Anthony Wayne • Deck pour

  • Waldvogel Gateway

    Waldvogel Gateway • U.S. 50 / River Road

The Ohio Department of Transportation Bridge Inspection Manual defines a bridge as "any structure, including supports, of 10 feet or more clear span or 10 feet or more in diameter on, above, or below a highway."

In conformance with state law, every bridge in Cincinnati is inspected on an annual basis.

Bridges that are part of the Interstate and State Highway System, including most City streets and rail lines over these routes, are inspected and maintained by ODOT. DOTE Bridge Program personnel do not inspect these bridges.

Excepting interstate highway bridges and bridges carrying state or federal routes — which are inspected by ODOT — DOTE Bridge Program personnel annually inspect every bridge in Cincinnati that supports a public roadway or crosses over or under a public roadway.


  1. Locate and determine the extent of any structural weaknesses or damage so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken to ensure public safety.
  2. Provide a current information base on the condition of bridges within Cincinnati so that maintenance, repair, and replacement projects can be programmed efficiently.
  3. Satisfy state and federal laws and regulations.