City Hall Tour Guides

The City of Cincinnati offers City Hall tour guide opportunities through its Volunteer Cincinnati Program. As a volunteer tour guide, you will provide information about City Hall, city government, and city history to visitors of City Hall as you conduct tours of the 1893 Richardsonian Romanesque-style building designed by Samuel Hannaford.

All tour guides are thoroughly trained and shadow experienced tour guides before conducting their first solo tours. In order to qualify as a tour guide, you must have a love for Cincinnati and an interest in its history. The guide needs imagination, public speaking skills, knowledge of facts, a good memory, the ability to relay information accurately, the ability to work comfortably with participants of different ages, and the ability to climb three flights of stairs.

City Hall tour guides may be called upon to conduct tours one to three times per week. The normal tour length is 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours, plus preparation time of 1/2 hour. A simulated City Council meeting adds another ½ hour to the tour time. Tour schedules are busiest during the September through May school year, and are particularly busy during the spring months.

For further information about City Hall tours, you may contact the City's Call Center at 513-591-6000. Please give us a minimum of two weeks notice.