SPECIAL MEETING: Budget & Finance Committee


The Cincinnati City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee has scheduled a Special Meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., to be held at Cincinnati City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 300, 801 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.  The purpose of this meeting will be to consider and take action on items related to the FY 2021 Budget and any items required to be passed prior to the August 2020 Council meeting.  


Due to issues reasonably connected to Ohio Department of Health orders or guidance concerning COVID-19, members of City Council may be required to participate remotely. The manner of remote participation shall otherwise comply with all requirements of the Open Meetings Act.  In accordance with the “Emergency Order/Council and Committees” order and the “Public Comment Protocols” order issued by Mayor Cranley during this time of public emergency, this meeting will be held in accordance with all public health and safety protocols established by the City Administration and the Clerk of Council.  The meeting can be watched in real time on CitiCable or by livestreaming the meeting at www.cincinnati-oh.gov.  Public comments and questions from the public may be submitted to City Council by email at clerkofcouncil@cincinnati-oh.gov.


Meeting Agenda

Note: The agenda for the special meeting will be published prior to the meeting. 

Budget & Finance Agenda  All Council Agendas


Committee Members

  • David Mann, Chair
  • Chris Seelbach, Vice-Chair
  • Jan-Michele Kearney, Member
  • Greg Landsman, Member
  • Jeff Pastor, Member
  • P. G. Sittenfeld, Member
  • Betsy Sundermann, Member
  • Wendell Young, Member