Two Budget Input Hearings This Week at Duke Energy Center

Jun 09, 2020

CINCINNATI -- The City of Cincinnati’s Budget and Finance Committee will host two (2) public hearings at the Duke Energy Convention Center to receive public input and discuss the Fiscal Year 2021 Operating and Capital Budget.

The events will take place Tuesday, June 16 (6 p.m. to midnight) and Thursday, June 18 (4 p.m. to midnight). The doors will open an hour before each event. Each of the meetings will air live on CitiCable, the City's Facebook page and online at A third meeting scheduled for Friday has been canceled.

Please note that in-person public attendance will be permitted at the Budget Hearings for up to 300 people per event. Those attending in person will have the opportunity to participate in public comment at the Budget Hearing by filling out a speaker card on that date. Prior registration is not required for in-person public comment at a Budget Hearing.

Those who would you like to participate in the public comment portion by audio or video will be able to do so as well. Those interested will need to fill out the digital form online to register and participate remotely. Please place your comments in the comment field and the information will be forward to the Mayor and Council. This registration form can be submitted up to one week prior to the Budget Hearing meeting but must be received by 2:00 p.m. the day before you are requesting to participate. Once you submit your form, someone from the Office of the Clerk of Council will contact you with additional information by e-mail and/or by phone.

You can also email

Please note that due to issues reasonably connected to Ohio Department of Health orders or guidance concerning COVID-19, members of City Council may be required to participate remotely. The manner of remote participation shall otherwise comply with all requirements of the Open Meetings Act. 


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