WHEN:         Thursday, October 20, 2022, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

WHERE:      Virtual Meeting via Zoom  - https://cincinnati-oh.zoom.us/j/82759707429?pwd=MjEzK2YwS2RaeHp5WlR4UzRVYnFwUT09

Meeting ID: 827 5970 7429

Passcode:       ADMIN25

WHAT:          The City of Cincinnati will hold a meeting on Thursday, October 20, to hear community feedback on updated language to Administrative Regulation No. 25 – Non-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, and employee use of discriminatory slurs.

The public is invited to listen, comment, and ask questions during this facilitated, virtual meeting.  The community meeting will also be streamed live on the City’s Facebook page.

WHO: City Manager, Sheryl Long

           Collaborative Agreement Sustainability Consultant, Iris Roley

           City Solicitor, Emily Woerner

           Interim Chief of Police, T. Theetge

           Director of Human Resources, Ed Ramsey