Unsanctioned Mountain Bike Trail Found Being Built in Greeno Woods

  • Nov 3, 2022

Trail in woods that was illegally built

Recently, Cincinnati Parks became aware of an unsanctioned mountain bike trail being built in Greeno Woods. The trail was constructed very recently, with probably most of the work taking place over one weekend. The rogue "builders" went so far as to flag out a path to the top of the hill and cleared a 20' wide swath of habitat roughly 375' in length. In the process, they killed many young Oak trees, Spicebush, and Pawpaws. Switchback berms were also created, with large mounds of soil piled up against the base of mature trees.   

This type of unsanctioned trail building is prohibited because these types of off trail activities have lasting harmful impacts to the forest and result in significant damage to native plant species. They also invite the establishment of destructive invasive species deep within the woods through soil disturbance and seeds hitching rides on unsuspecting hikers. Additionally, poor trail construction practices and layout mean these half-baked trails will not last long, present safety issues for park patrons, result in increased erosion issues and likely cause the premature death of nearby mature trees we rely on to keep our forests and natural areas strong and healthy. 

Anyone seeking this type of recreation within Cincinnati Parks should utilize the already constructed and sanctioned mountain bike trails in Mt. Airy Forest. Further, there are an additional 100 miles of mountain bike trails open to the public within the greater Cincinnati region.  

Our parks are here for everyone to use and enjoy and we realize and appreciate the vast majority of our users love and respect our natural areas, precisely so they are available for present and future generations to enjoy. If you happen to encounter Illicit trail building while out in a park, please report it to the Conservation Land Management division as soon as possible at (513) 861-9070 or cincy.parks@cincinnati-oh.gov.