Tick Prevention Tips

  • Jun 28, 2022

hiking in Badgley Run Park

Being outside brings great opportunities for recreation and adventure and is excellent for your mental and physical health. While visiting the outdoors, it's vastly important to be aware of your environment and any risks, including the potential for ticks. When you visit your local park, either by walking a trail, playing a game of disc golf, picnicking, attending an outdoor camp, or more, please keep the below tips in mind.

Ticks in Ohio

High season for ticks occurs during warm months, typically April through September. Ticks can be found in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas and even on animals (Source: CDC). The three most common ticks that can be found in Ohio are American dog ticks, black-legged ticks and lone star ticks. These ticks can carry diseases that have the potential to impact humans. (Source: Ohio DNR). 

Follow these steps for tick bite prevention:

1. Be aware of when and where to expect ticks

2. Use bug repellent when visiting grassy, brushy, or wooded areas

3. Wear high socks, long pants and long sleeves

4. Do a tick check after visiting areas where ticks may be present

Where on Your Body to Check for Ticks: 

1. Hair

2. Ears

3. Waist

4. Under the arms

5. Back

6. Belly button

7. Between legs

8. Back of the knees

9. Between toes

10. Check your pets!

For more information, check out Ohio DNR's website. If you find a tick on you or are experiencing symptoms of a tickborne disease, please contact your primary care doctor.