New Burnet Woods Dog Park Update – We Want to Hear from You

  • Dec 1, 2023

Article Updated: Saturday, December 16 at 12:06 a.m.

Please note the Survey referenced in the article below is now closed. Results have been posted on our Surveys and Feedback website page

Cincinnati Parks is excited to bring a new community dog park to Burnet Woods to serve Clifton, Corryville, CUF, and the surrounding areas. Work is well underway on the project bringing a fun, new, recreational experience for area residents of both the 2 and 4 legged variety, further contributing to the attractiveness, and quality of life, for visitors to Burnet Woods. 

Cincinnati Parks is pleased to present the latest dog park design, which incorporates many new, or modified, elements and enhancements based on the tremendous amount of valuable public feedback received over the last few years. Before the plans are finalized, we want to hear from you about how this new amenity may best serve the community, and our furry friends. 

The new dog park represents a partnership between Cincinnati Parks, and a number of community supporters, partners, and donors, including the Cincinnati Parks Foundation, and Clifton Pop-up-Pup-Party (PUPP).  

About the design

  • The 8,882-sf site is south of the northeastern entrance of Burnet Woods off Jefferson Avenue adjacent to Brookline Drive. The size of the dog park represents two tenths of one percent (0.2%) of the total 89.3 acres of Burnet Woods. The dog park will be contained with 4 ft black metal fencing, include certified PFAS free and antimicrobial protected turf specifically engineered to accommodate dog use, water access, 9 benches, 2 play mounds (one with a tunnel), islands with pea gravel stone, a doggy drinking fountain (for humans too), trash receptacles, 3 planting beds, an accessible entrance area, erosion control, a bioswale to help filter surface runoff, and of course plenty of doggie bags.

Over the last few years, Cincinnati Parks has been fortunate to receive a significant amount of feedback, suggestions, and great ideas about how to make this the best, most environmentally friendly dog park possible. We have listened and, based upon the feedback already received, this new design: 

Link to a PDF of the Burnet Woods Dog Park - Design Comparison

A rendering of the layout of the Burnet Woods Dog Park


  • Includes certified PFAS free synthetic turf. 
  • Has 662-sf less unnatural surfaces (synthetic turf, concrete pavers, pea gravel) than originally planned, a 9.5% reduction. 
  • Adds 142-sf of planting beds, a 20% increase. 
  • Increases the number of trees in the area from 2 to 5, and adds 1 tree more than the original design. 
  • Includes a 2,806-sf prairie meadow along the eastern border of the dog park which will:
    • Provide native habitat attracting more birds and pollinators to Burnet Woods. 
    • Provide additional noise buffering.
    • Help control erosion via plant deep root structures.  
  • Takes an area currently lacking in accessibility and embraces universal design to make the site available to as many visitors, of all abilities, as possible.
  • Adds dedicated, on street parking and accessible crosswalk. 
  • Includes tree protection fencing to ensure the existing adjacent trees, and their root lines, remain healthy during construction. 
  • Adds 3 planting beds within the dog park.
  • Adds 6 benches plus concrete curbs high enough to comfortably sit while enjoying the park.  
  • Maintains clear site lines from the street for safety and security.

What else should we know? 

Over the last 3 years, many discussions have taken place in the neighborhoods, at the park, at public Park Board meetings, and at community councils, about creating a dog park serving the Uptown area. During this time, a tremendous amount of community feedback in the form of phone calls, media stories and messages, conversations, letters, public comments, and emails have been received. All of it is valued, appreciated, and is helping make this new dog park better.

Link to a PDF of the Burnet Woods Dog Park Renderings


Illustrative rendering of the Burnet Woods Dog Park Layout and Map

Illustrative rendering of the Burnet Woods Dog Park

Illustrative rendering of the Burnet Woods Dog Park

Illustrative rendering of the Burnet Woods Dog Park

But, we’re not done. Before this design is finalized and construction begins, Cincinnati Parks wants to gather more feedback to ensure this new dog park is  the best possible project. Please take a look at the latest designs. If you have ideas, use the survey link below to share your thoughts on the design, and how we can make it better.  

Survey Link:

Survey Closed Friday, December 15, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. 

Next Steps and Timeline

The project is currently in the planning phase. This additional feedback is being sought to help inform the final dog park components and design, which will ultimately determine the project budget. The hope is that once community fundraising is complete early next year, the project will be bid in the spring, with construction complete in mid-2024.