Mind Your Manners: The Ins of Trail Etiquette

  • Jan 8, 2024

When I hear the word etiquette, I think of my grandmother telling me which fork to use when I eat and how not to slurp my soup. But etiquette also can be other things such as how to behave on the trail. Manners while hiking, aka trail etiquette, is being considerate of fellow hikers but also helping to keep safe. So, the next time you hit the trail, try to keep these things in mind:

No matter where you hike, always think about “Leave no Trace”. Things such as staying on the trails is part of Leave No Trace. By using the trails and not blazing your own or taking a game path, you are less likely to impact the native plants growing close by. By staying on the trail, you avoid creating erosion problems. Staying on the trail helps us all to not track invasive seeds into more pristine spaces from our shoes. This goes for pets too. Keep them on the trails with you.

Another way to “Leave no Trace” is to clean up after yourself and your pet. Do not litter. If you pick up dog feces, throw them out. Leaving a poop bag on the trail is just doing the job halfway.

Keep your dog on a leash. Parks have leash laws for a reason. It is to keep other hikers safe, your dog safe and wildlife safe.

When hiking, and someone is passing you, if someone is going up hill, allow them to pass first. Step to the side and let them go ahead.

If you bring it in, pack it out. Do not pick flowers or wild edibles, leave wildlife alone. These things are for all to enjoy. Follow the rules posted in the parks.

Many parks are open from dawn to dusk. Honor those rules. Remember the golden rule of hiking: “take only pictures, leave only footprints”.

We are very fortunate to have so many beautiful and wild spaces in Cincinnati Parks. It is up to us to help keep them wild and beautiful for the generations to come. See you out on the trails!

Written by Cincinnati Parks Naturalist, Olivia Canada