Krohn Volunteer Sees Plants at the Conservatory as 'Old Friends'

  • Apr 25, 2021


April is volunteer month, and for years Cincinnati Parks has had tremendous help in maintaining and keeping our parks beautiful for residents throughout the city. Specifically, Krohn Conservatory has had its fair share of volunteers, and with the butterfly show soon approaching, we are looking forward to welcoming them back under the glass ceilings.

Krohn Conservatory is honored to have Ginny Corsini as a longtime volunteer, upon her retirement from VENUE Media. She wanted to place her time and energy into the places she enjoys visiting. “Krohn Conservatory is one of those outstanding gems in the Queen City crown and we are fortunate to have this unique place right in our backyard” Ginny stated. Krohn is just one of many places she uses her talents. Ginny is also a part of the California Woods Advisory Council, Mt. Adams Civic Association and also La Soupe Food Rescue. Year after year she has effortlessly made a huge impact throughout Cincinnati. “Some of the plants at Krohn have become ‘old friends’ that I check up on each week. Others surprise me with a fresh blossom or hidden sprout of new growth. Plus, the amazing staff has helped me appreciate the tremendous amount of work that goes into maintaining a flourishing Conservatory” said Ginny.

May 8th will be the long-anticipated reopening of the Krohn Conservatory and if you happen to see Ginny, give her a smile through your mask and maybe even a thank you for her appreciation.