Invasive Callery Pear Trees are Blooming

  • Mar 18, 2024

It's spring, things are blooming, and we're happy! But not all things blooming are good for our native plants and flowers. There's a tree in particular that can be seen blooming all over Cincinnati right now, including in people's yards and lining city streets. If you guessed Callery Pear Tree, you're correct! Let's get into the details about why this tree is highly invasive in our area.

This tree is native to China and Vietnam and boasts pretty white flowers in spring. A not so attractive characteristic of this tree is its smell. Although a portion of the trees were once planted by people, the majority of them are spread every year by birds and animals. These trees can grow in almost any kind of soil and are spreading from urban areas to the countryside, far away from where they were originally planted. That is scary! As with most other invasive plants, these trees choke out native plants, take over and are hard to control.

In 2023, this tree was deemed illegal to buy or sell in Ohio. Better late than never, but these trees will still present a huge problem in our area even once they are banned. So how can you manage them?

For starters, DO NOT plant them. Seedlings and shallow-rooted plants can be pulled or dug out when the soil is moist. Medium to large trees should be cut down and the stumps treated with a systemic herbicide such as glyphosate or triclopyr.

Do you have a Callery Pear in your yard that you want to replace? Consider planting Serviceberry, Redbud, or if slightly shaded Flowering Dogwood. These native small to mid-sized trees also have stunning spring flower displays that will add a splash of color to any area!