A Dog? A Wolf? A Coyote!

  • Feb 9, 2023



Did you think you saw a stray dog running across your yard? Or maybe you thought you saw a wolf walking through the woods. We're here to tell you, it's likely neither of those things, but is actually a coyote!

Coyotes are not the same as wolves. They are much smaller predators, and essentially are in Cincinnati because we have such a predator vacuum with cougars and wolves being extirpated from here. 

Coyotes are incredibly versatile and rather intelligent wild dogs. They've been in Cincinnati for many years now. Coyotes are larger than fox, and smaller than wolves, and this turns out to be crucial to their versatility and survival. Coyotes weigh between 20 and 50 pounds as adults. This weight range makes it possible for them to survive on small prey such as mice and other small rodents, but large enough to catch and eat larger prey such as young deer. With such a wide range of dietary possibilities, coyotes can survive rather comfortably. Coyotes typically live for 10 - 14 years, much like our own canines at home. 

If you see a coyote, that's a special thing indeed. Coyotes are rather secretive and don't tend to come near humans. They are a positive thing in our urban environment, as they eat rodents that have the potential to spread diseases. You might be more likely to see coyotes between January and March, which is their breeding season. If you see a coyote this time of year in particular, enjoy the sighting but also exercise calm caution. Coyotes are not generally a threat to humans, but they will be extra protective during this time frame. 

As always, if you are walking your own dog, keep your pet on a leash unless inside one of our dog parks. It's not only the law in Hamilton County, but also safe for your dog and the wild dogs in our parks. Also, be sure to throw away your trash to keep coyotes away from heavily visited areas of our parks.

By Naturalist Gia Giammarinaro