4 Scary Cincinnati Parks to visit before Halloween

  • Oct 28, 2022

Cincinnati is a city rich with history, especially when it comes to its parks. Over 100 parks exist within the city limits, functioning as a backdrop to stories that span generations. But not all of these stories are bright. Cincinnati Parks are home to plenty of spooky sites, terrifying tales, and unexplained events that will make your skin crawl. Here are 5 “supposedly” haunted Cincinnati Parks. Visit them if you dare!

Eden Park Gazebo

By far the most famous haunted site in Cincinnati Parks is the Eden Park Gazebo. The site of an actual tragic event, it is said to be haunted by Imogene Remus, wife of the infamous “King Of The Bootleggers,” George Remus. According to an Associated Press article, George Remus chased down his estranged wife, Imogene, and fatally shot her in front of the gazebo as she was on her way to finalize their divorce (He was later acquitted under the temporary insanity defense). Some say they’ve seen her wander around the park, particularly in the gazebo, dressed in the same black dress she wore that fateful day.

Washington Park

The recently redeveloped Washington Park is home to a variety of colorful attractions, including a spray ground, outdoor bar, parking garage, and dog park. It also conveniently sits on the grounds of several old cemeteries. There are even three headstones that still remain in the park. The city bought the property from the Episcopal Society of Christ Church in 1855 and park construction began in 1860. Many visitors, however, have reported seeing ghostly figures in and around the park and adjacent to Music Hall.

Krohn Conservatory

Just a short walk from the Eden Park Gazebo is Krohn Conservatory. Opened in 1933, Krohn attracts thousands of visitors per year with their array of exotic plants and flowers. There is, however, a little known apparition that is also said to roam around the conservatory. According to sources, a ghostly figure named Sandi occasionally makes an appearance and startles Krohn employees after business hours. She is described as a “six-year old girl wearing an orange dress” according to Mark House, Manager at Krohn Conservatory. There are also additional spirits reported to lurk around the boiler room in the basement of Krohn. There have been so many sightings over the years that in 2013 the Paranormal Society was called in to conduct an investigation!

Rapid Run Park

This westside park has the unusual reputation of being haunted by multiple spirits, with no clear origin. According to CreepyCincinnati.com, there have been ghost sightings at the playground, where it is said that a little boy will start playing on the swing randomly (although he is not actually seen). The baseball field and forest at the back of the park also are reportedly haunted, with figures being seen after dark and then suddenly vanishing before your eyes.