Relevant Codes

A Building Code is a collection of requirements (such as exit signs and smoke detectors) that pertain to specific subjects (such as exiting and fire protection systems) and regulate specific practices (such as designing, constructing or remodeling buildings).

*Please note that a new version of the Ohio Building Code (OBC), Ohio Mechanical Code (OMC), the Ohio Plumbing Code (OPC), and the Ohio Electrical Code (NFPA 70-17) were adopted and enacted on March 1, 2024.

The Ohio Board of Building Standards provides digital access to all the current applicable codes used throughout the state.  The library can be found here (hyperlink a.).  A quick tutorial on how to use the library can be found here (hyperlink b.).

    2. How To   

No matter what the specific subject may be -- construction, property maintenance, fire prevention, electrical, or plumbing -- ALL codes have the same purpose: to protect the public, health, safety, and welfare by requiring safe construction.

Overview: Codes Affecting Your Project

For assistance while using these Codes, call the number listed with the Code titles.

Residential Code Of Ohio 2019 (RCO) | 513-352-3313

This code has been adopted by the City of Cincinnati for one-, two- and three-family dwellings including their accessory structures and up to three attached townhouses less than four stories in height.

It skips the many provisions that apply to non-residential buildings, making it easy to read. The chapters are arranged in a logical construction sequence, starting with the building planning. Along with the usual building restrictions, it contains the applicable parts of the Mechanical Code. 

Ohio Existing Building Code 2024 (OEBC) | 513-352-3313

The Ohio Board of Building Standards restructured the code used when working with Existing Structures.  This is a substantive change from the previous regulations.  Please familiarize yourself with the new methodology.  B&I is happy to schedule time to discuss how your project complies with the new regulations.

Ohio Building Code 2024 (OBC) | 513-352-3313

This code applies to construction and/or alterations of non-residential buildings and residences not governed by the Residential Code of Ohio.

Ohio Mechanical Code 2024 (OMC)

This code applies to all commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, incineration, air pollution control and similar work not governed by the Residential Code of Ohio.

Ohio Plumbing Code 2024 | 513-352-3280

This code applies to all plumbing work.

Ohio Electric Code 2024 (NFPA (70-17) with amendments) | 513-381-6080 (Inspection Bureau, Inc.)

Call with questions about electrical work.

Energy Conservation Code 2017 | 513-352-3313

 This code shall regulate the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy.

Cincinnati Building Code (CBC) | 513-352-3313

This Code is a collection of local regulations, laws and ordinances that supplements the Residential Code of Ohio, the Ohio Building Code, the Ohio Mechanical Code, and the Ohio Plumbing Code, as well as other local regulations affecting private property development.

  • Chapter 1109 provides regulations for development in the Flood Plain.
  • Chapter 1113 provides regulations for excavation and fill work.
  • Chapter 1115 adopts the RCO One-, Two-, and Three Family Dwelling Code.
  • Chapter 1117 (Housing Code) regulates all existing residential buildings.
  • Chapter 1107 provides local enforcement of the ASME Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and related regulations.
  • Chapter 1121 provides Historic Rehabilitation Standards.

Housing Code, Chapter 1117 | 513-352-3275

This Code section relates to the use and maintenance of existing residential buildings, portions thereof or premises used or intended to be used for human habitation. All provisions of the Housing Code are retroactive and apply to all existing dwellings.

The purpose of this Code section is to establish minimum housing standards necessary for the preservation of the public safety, health and general welfare in all existing residential buildings, rooming houses, hotels and motels, except to the extent that it may be in conflict with the laws of this State or with the lawful regulations of any State Board Agency.

Historic Rehabilitation Standards, Chapter 1121 | 513-352-3275

This standard applies to historically designated buildings containing residential business and retail uses that are five stories in height or less, 4,000 square feet in area, of Type IIIB construction, or better, with each floor having two means of egress. This standard allows most sound existing walls and ceilings to remain in lieu of upgrading the fire-resistive ratings to new Code Standards. This is especially applicable to changes of use and occupancy situations.

Cincinnati Zoning Code | 513-352-2430

The Cincinnati Zoning Code regulates the use and development of land and is designed to protect property values by preventing the location of incompatible uses in close proximity to one another. Zoning regulations also help to maintain the character of established neighborhoods and prevent inappropriate activities such as auto repair in residential neighborhoods.

The Zoning Code governs land use in historic districts, hillsides, and certain urban business areas. It regulates development to avoid parking congestion and promotes effective signage compatible with its surroundings. This Code is generally arranged in a sequence of more restrictive Zoning districts to less restrictive zoning districts.

  • Chapter 1400 regulates most of the City.
  • Chapter 1700 regulates areas in the vicinity of the College Hill, Madisonville, Walnut Hills, and Westwood business districts.

Examples (Historic Building Section has size, egress requirements)

Example No. 1: John Q. and Susan J. Public purchase a three-story building in Over-the-Rhine. The last use of this building was business on the first floor and storage in the basement and the upper floors.

They wish to turn the building into a 12-unit building (four units on each floor) with a Laundromat and storage in the basement.

Because this work will involve a change of use, many sections of the OEBC will apply, as well as applicable provisions of the Housing Code. If the building is designated historic, then CBC Chapter 1121 may apply thereby mitigating the fire resistance upgrades required by the OBC.

Example No. 2: Mr. Smith wishes to convert his three-story, two-family on Liberty Hill into condominiums. He wishes to make them more desirable by adding a room and deck to each floor to better market the view of the city. He must comply with the RCO Code as well as the Housing Code since he has only two dwelling units.

Example No. 3: Ms. Jones owns a four-story, two-family building in the West End. She wishes to renovate the building and turn it into a four-family. Because of the number of units and floors, the provisions of the OEBC and pertinent sections of the Housing Code must be met. If the building is designated historic, then CBC Chapter 1121may apply thereby mitigating the fire resistance upgrades required by the OEBC.

Example No. 4: An organization wants to renovate a problem, vacant four-story, 12-unit apartment building. As part of the renovation, a number of units would be converted into efficiency units and a number of units combined into three- and four-bedroom units.

The OBC would govern any new construction such as unit separation walls, which are typically required to be rated for one-hour fire resistance. Any new room arrangements are required to comply with new code standards with respect to size, access, and privacy and light and ventilation. Even though no changes are anticipated outside of the units, the exits and fire rating of the common stair hall need to comply with the Housing Code.

Other typical existing conditions that need to be evaluated for compliance with the Housing Code and shown on the construction plans are the existing room sizes, natural light, and ventilation for existing habitable rooms, access to toilet rooms and requirements for habitable rooms below grade.

Other areas that need to be addressed are indicated on any orders that have been written on the building.

If the building is designated historic, then CBC Chapter 1121 would apply thereby mitigating the fire resistance upgrades required by the OEBC.