Vacant & Hazardous Buildings

Vacant Buildings

The Vacant Building Task Force's goal is to reduce vacant buildings through rehabilitation and demolition. Our primary tool is the Housing Docket and the amended Vacant Building Maintenance License ordinance.

The owner of a building that is ordered vacated due to code violations must obtain a Vacated Building Maintenance License (VBML).

Note: An empty building without code violations doesn't need to be licensed.

Neighborhood Database  Application Form

The license fee is calculated on the number of years the building has been continuously vacated, and the license must be renewed each year. Download the form for more about the license, fees, waivers and refunds.

Hazard Abatement

The Hazard Abatement Program is responsible for demolishing vacant and condemned buildings, as well as barricading open, abandoned structures. About 100 structures are demolished and an average of 500 buildings are barricaded annually.

You can report complaints by phone at 513-591-6000 or online.

Register A Complaint

Once we receive a complaint, the building is inspected. If deemed dangerous and unsafe, it will be condemned.

  • After buildings are condemned -- and if the owner fails to comply with the condemnation order -- the buildings are placed in a public nuisance hearing process to determine if the City will demolish the building.
  • If, as a result of the public hearing, the building is declared a public nuisance, the City will demolish the building and invoice the owner of the property for the total cost.