Residential Rental Registration & Inspection

Residential Rental Registration (RRR)

Since September 1, 2020, Buildings and Inspections (B&I) requires all residential rental units to be registered within the City of Cincinnati.  The purpose of Residential Rental Registration (RRR) is to enhance and update registration requirements for residential rental properties and to be able to readily identify an owner or local agent of the rental property in the event of an emergency or other property issues.

The link below will take you to the Rental Property Registration portal. To register you will need to create an account.  Please follow the steps below to get started.

RRR Registration                  RRR FAQ’s                      RRR Ordinance


Information Needed to Create an Account

Before you register, you will first need to gather some basic information about your rental property.  Please have the following information readily available:

  • How many units are in the building and how many bedrooms are in the unit (example: how many 2-bedroom units are in the building, how many 1 bedroom etc.)
  • The average gross square footage of the units by type (example: the 1-bedroom units are approximately 600 sq. ft., the 2 bedrooms 900 sq. ft.
  • The average rent charged for the size and type unit. The number of bathrooms by unit type. (example: the 2-bedroom units have 1.5 baths on average)
  • Name and phone number of a local agent or contact for emergencies, and owner or other manager contact information.

If you have difficulties registering you may email or call 513-352-3275, for rental registration assistance. 

Residential Rental Inspection (RRI)

Since September 1, 2020, Buildings and Inspections (B&I), has administered a Residential Rental Property Inspection (RRI) Program. The RRI is established in response to concerns raised by tenants, neighbors, community councils, and housing advocates regarding substandard conditions in rental housing.  An initial pilot program demonstrated that additional oversight of wayward housing providers through routine and ongoing inspection motivates and incentivizes the correction of code violations and the continued maintenance required to prevent deterioration of housing stock. The program is to ensure that rental property in the neighborhoods is compliant with applicable building, housing, and zoning codes.  Currently it is active in seven neighborhoods:  (Avondale, Clifton-Fairview-University Heights, College Hill, East Price Hill, Madisonville, West Price Hill, and Westwood).  These neighborhoods were selected due to the higher number of rental properties, aged housing stock, and the volume of code violations. 

In addition, the program attempts to address problems associated with poorly operating housing providers. If a housing provider owns a property within any of the identified neighborhoods that falls into disrepair and otherwise becomes eligible for the rental inspection program, the eligibility will trigger a review of the owner’s entire portfolio located anywhere within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati. Any properties owned by the same owner will be reviewed to determine if there has been a pattern of neglect. Those eligible properties will enter the RRI Program and receive additional attention until fully code compliant. The same eligibility criteria such as history of non-compliance will be used to determine eligibility of properties both in the focus neighborhoods, and when triggered by ownership throughout the City.

The owner of a property that has unresolved code violations, delinquent property tax bills, a history of health and/or safety violations, or meeting other similar criteria is required to apply for the Residential Rental Inspection Certificate for every eligible property, and is subject to an inspection of each property as part of the certification process.

All Initial inspections are charged an inspection fee of $100 per unit.  All units at the location identified above require initial inspection. If violations are found on initial inspection, follow-up re-inspections and escalating reinspection fees will be required until code compliance is reached. To avoid re-inspections and fees, survey and correct violations on your property before your inspection by using the Pre-Inspection Guide and Checklist below. This will help ensure your success and minimize expenses. 

All registrations must be filed via this website. If you have any questions, please call us at 513-352-3275 or

RRI FAQ   Pre-inspection Guide and Checklist   RRI Ordinance