Working With Other Departments

Helpful Hints Before You Apply

Other departments and agencies also have regulations that control certain phases of construction.

Generally, the Department of Buildings & Inspections will forward project plans to these departments and agencies for review.

However, it's your responsibility to secure any permits required by other city departments or agencies.

Water recommendations:

If water issues are a part of the project scope, contact Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) early concerning water availability by calling Rick Roell at 513-591-7858 or the Engineering Front Counter at 513-591-7837 to get needed information and requirements.

  • Ask about any site-related fees such as water main deferred tap-in-charges.
  • Provide a detailed concept plan with existing and proposed rights-of-ways, easements, streets, building sites and utilities. Provide location information using the County Auditor’s book, page and parcel, as well as an address. Indicate whether water service is to be conveyed through new water services (private) or extension of water system (public). Each of these two water service options requires an application to be processed separately in addition to the building or plumbing permit.
  • GCWW approval of any building permit is not approval for a water main extension or service branch installation that may be shown on the building permit concept plan. After building permit approval, GCWW requires water service application for either extension of the public water mains or individual water service branches.
  • Complete an application for water service, being sure to provide all of the information on the application and identify all water flow requirements such as fire and domestic flows. If you are extending the public water system, please make sure your engineer is involved in the early conceptual review process. If you are purchasing a service branch, similarly please make sure your plumber or sprinkler contractor is involved in the early conceptual review process. Involving the proper people early enough can prevent delays in your project.
  • Always ask about any charges or fees, such as water service branch and meter charges, inspection and review fees, or water main deferred top-in charges due.
  • Get Water Permits

Sewer recommendations:

If your project will change the way a property is used (or change the number of people using it), please request an Availability of Sewer Service letter from the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) before you apply for a building permit.

There is no charge for this review, and approvals are valid for one year. For more information or any questions, please call 513-244-1330 or 513-352-4311.

  • You should verify all stormwater control requirements with MSD before you apply for a permit. Please call 513-244-1350 or 513-352-4311.
  • For projects involving new food service, car washes, or other industrial uses, contact MSD's Division of Industrial Waste at 513-557-7000 before you apply for a permit.
  • Get MSD Permits

Streets, sidewalks, encroachments, vehicular/pedestrian access, and addresses:

The developer, architect, or engineer should contact the Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) at 513-352-3463 for input and guidance early in the planning process if the proposed development would involve:

  • Construction within the street or sidewalk areas, including sidewalks, driveways, and special surfaces
  • Temporary blockage of the street or sidewalk areas
  • Change in the location or elevation of the sidewalk or street (examples include new buildings and garage entrances)
  • Relocation of existing utilities
  • Construction beyond the property line that encroaches into the space set aside for the public sidewalk or street. Examples of such encroachments include permanent or temporary foundations; basements and utility vaults; facades, marquees, or awnings; and, door swings or balconies. If permitted, these features will require a Revocable Street Privilege (RSP), a permanent easement, or a lease; all will require review by City agencies and public and private utilities. These reviews typically take 60-90 days with no guarantee that such use will be permitted. DOTE personnel cannot sign off on any building permit until the request for this use is formally approved.
  • A change in the location of pedestrian or vehicular access to the property from the street or sidewalk
  • A significant change in the number of vehicles or pedestrians accessing the property from the adjacent street or sidewalk
  • Assignment of new street addresses. Consult with DOTE personnel for any addressing issues or need for new/multiple addresses prior to permit application. In some cases, it can take 3-5 days to research and assign an address so a building permit application can be accepted.
  • Get DOTE Permits

Fire recommendations:

  • For residential structures, the following is required on the building plan:
    • One fire hydrant within 500 feet of the furthest part of the structure
    • Adequate access for firefighting as determined by the fire commander
  • For commercial structures, the following is required on the building plan:
    • Two fire hydrants within 400 feet of all parts of the structure
    • Adequate access for firefighting as determined by the fire commander
  • Get Fire Permits

Electrical Permit Process:

Electrical permits, inspections and plan review are outsourced to the Inspection Bureau, Inc. (IBI).

The IBI process is fully integrated with the City's electronic building permit processes. The electrical contractor submits permit applications and plans directly to IBI at their office.

Turnaround Time:

  • Electrical Plan Review: 3 days
  • Electrical Permits (at IBI's counter): 15 minutes

Permit submittals and scheduling requests can also be submitted online.

In extremely rare cases, a developer or builder may choose to undertake these tasks instead of the electrical contractor. In these cases, the developer or builder may complete the necessary forms at the Permit Center and IBI will pick them up.

IBI has staff dedicated to the Permit Center that is immediately accessible via telephone should any questions arise.

  • For more information, please call IBI at 513-381-6080.

Food Service Operation (New) Application & Review Process:

Food Facility Review (FFR) for Restaurant & Retail Food Service Operations

  1. APPLICATION Complete all sections of the Cincinnati Health Department FFR application
    • CHECKLIST Be sure to submit each item on the checklist before submitting application
  2. MENU For a food service operation, a menu of all items that will be served in your food facility. For a retail food operation, (i.e. grocery store) a general list of food items to be sold, include self-serve beverages such as coffee, slushies, etc.
    • FACILITY LAYOUT DRAWINGS All sections of the premise. Refer to the comprehensive list on page three of the application.
    • EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Manufacturer specification sheets of all equipment, plumbing fixtures and custom made equipment.
    • PERMIT REVIEW FEE Payable to - Treasurer, City of Cincinnati (check or money order accepted)
  3. SUBMIT Application (in person) and all required information to:

Permit Center

805 Central Ave, Centennial II, Suite 500

Cincinnati OH 45202

*Free Parking if Available In Front of the Building

For additional information about food safety, visit the Health Department website.