Zoning Hearing Examiner Hearings

The Zoning Hearing Examiner will hold hearings 

at the Buildings and Inspections Department, Centennial II

805 Central Ave. Suite 500, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Cases to be heard on 5/23/18:

9:00am: ZH20180071  3722 Clifton Ave - Clifton
9:30am: ZH20180074  5303 Ward St - Madisonville

10:00am: ZH20180073  2516 Ring Pl - East Price Hill
10:30am: ZH20180072  6087 Montgomery Rd -  Pleasant Ridge 
1:00pm: ZH20180063  511 Walnut St - Downtown

1:30pm: ZH20180076  3401 Burnet Ave - Avondale

2:00pm: ZH20180075  408 Seymour Ave - Carthage

These hearings are open to the public.

Information regarding the cases to be considered may be obtained by email at zhe@cincinnati-oh.gov

Information regarding the hearing process can be found at the Zoning Hearing Examiner page.

A personal listening device or a speech interpreter for the hearing impaired will be provided upon request.