Step 4: Coordinated Site Review (Optional)

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Step 4: Coordinated Site Review (Optional)

The Coordinated Site Review process is designed to help developers identify any regulatory conditions that may affect their project. The goal of Coordinated Site Review is to give developers written feedback from all departments involved in the site plan approval process. By giving this feedback early on, the applicant will be able to change minor or major details before applying for the necessary permits. It is highly recommended that complex development projects are reviewed through the Coordinate Site Review process prior to applying for permits.


Once an application is submitted, you will receive feedback from the following departments (applicable to the project):

This first stage, Preliminary Design Review, is to give initial reactions and to gather information about the submitted site plans and provide some general parameters regarding zoning of the site location. The site plans should include the site area drawn to scale, and the potential use and density of the development.

The second stage, Development Design Review, involves more detail of the site plan than the first stage of the review process. An existing site plan, including topography, and a proposed site plan with potential topography is needed. Also, proximity to utilities, zoning and subdivision analysis, section drawings of fences and/or retaining walls, and elevation drawings will be needed. From this stage, developers will receive specific design parameters and requirements along with endorsements for public approvals.

The third stage of the review process, Technical Design Review, wraps up the Coordinated Site Review.  In this stage, a proposed site plan with proposed grading, site construction drawings, utility plans, landscaping plan/elevation drawings/floor plans, and an approach to legal documentation of commonly held infrastructure and land should be submitted. After this stage of review is done, all major decisions and technical direction are finalized prior to any requests for permits.

If you have any questions, please contact the Development Services Manager, Rodney D. Ringer, at 513-352-4847 or email at To apply fill out the below application and checklist.