Police Department – Special Events Unit FAQ

Who do I speak with in the police department if I’m thinking about having an event? 
The Special Events Unit can be reached at 513-352-5426 or 513-352-5434.

Are event permits available online? 
Yes. The Special Event Permit, Parade Permit, and the Street Blocking Permit are available on the police department website.

Are there fees associated with event permits? 
Yes. The Special Event Permit ($250 or $500), Parade Permit ($100 or $500), and the Street Blocking Permit ($25) have a non-refundable application fee with each.

Do I need insurance for an event? 
Yes. The city requires insurance coverage for events held on city property.  Your private insurance carrier should be familiar with the Acord 25 form and the Certificate of Insurance (COI) process.

Are event permits explained in the Cincinnati Municipal Code? 
Yes. Chapter 765 – Special Events; Section 510-3 – Special Parades; and Section 506-91 – Street Fetes explain the specific requirement by ordinance for a permit.

Who do I contact if I’m thinking about having an event on Fountain Square? 
Use Permits for Fountain Square are explained at myfountainsquare.com or 3CDC.org

Who do I contact if I’m thinking about having an event at Washington Park? 
Use Permits for Washington Park are explained at 3CDC.org or the Cincinnati Parks website

Who do I contact for other usages of the sidewalk or street in the city? 
The city’s Transportation & Engineering Department, Right of Way group can be reached at 513-352-3463. Special permitting is required around the Streetcar tracks and overhead wires and may require additional time to process.