Mouse over the letters on the house graphic to view information about common violations.

A pop-up box will appear when you mouse over a particular letter and will disappear when mouse out of the letter selected.

Each violation text box contains a description of the common defect followed by the action necessary to correct the violation as well as the code section that governs the defect.


The investment you have made in your home is probably the largest single investment you will make in a lifetime. One sure way to protect and potentially increase the value of this investment is through routine preventive maintenance. With timely maintenance of your home comes greater value for you and your neighborhood. Routine checks of the items in the house graphic will enable you to detect problems early and avoid costly replacement of systems prematurely. It is far less expensive to paint and maintain a box gutter than to replace it. Contact the Division of Property Maintenance Code Enforcement at 513-352-3275 for further information.