Guide to Engaging in the Development Process

As a community stakeholder in Cincinnati, you deserve to know how various development processes work and how you may get involved. This webpage provides key steps in Cincinnati’s Development Process. Development comes in a variety of forms ranging from zone changes to sale of City-owned properties for new development. Knowing these steps may assist you in providing input during the development process in your community.

Download the Development pamphlet

1. A Coordinated Report
Cincinnati’s Real Estate Division of the Law Department circulates a coordinated report that notifies all City Departments, utilities, and appropriate Community Councils, on the City’s intent to sell land.

2. Advertising Land
The Department of Community and Economic Development may advertise land for sale through a public request for a proposal process to obtain the greatest number of proposals. The Community Council is notified of the process and engaged through the forums created by the RFP process to enable community member to provide feedback to interested development teams

3. Referral to Planning Commission and City Council
All land sales and leases for more than one year have to be approved by City Planning Commission and City Council.


Cincinnati Real Estate Division • Dept of City Planning • Dept of Community & Economic Development

1. Completing an Application
An application may be filed by Property Owners, a Community Council, or a City Councilmember.

2. Continues With the Department of City Planning
A community engagement process begins, encouraging applicants to speak with the Community Council.

3. Public Meetings are Held on the Proposal
The first public meeting is held with a Public Staff Conference, then goes to the City Planning Commission, and ultimately to City Council’s Economic Growth and Zoning Committee for a vote.

4. City Council Votes on the Request
An ordinance is sent to full Council for a final decision on the zone change.


Department of Buildings & Inspections – Zoning • Department of City Planning

1. Begins With a Request
Applications may be started by property owners, a Community Council, a City Councilmember, the City Manager, the City Planning Commission, the Urban Conservator, or a Historic Conservation Board member.

2. Proceeds to the Historic Conservation Office
This office studies the property in question, gathers the necessary background research, meets with the property owners, and establishes a designation report.

3. Public Meetings are Held on the Proposal
The first public meeting is held with the Historic Conservation Board, then goes to the City Planning Commission, and ultimately to City Council.

4. City Council Votes
A final decision is made to designate a district or landmark as historic.


Department of City Planning • Historic Conservation Office

1. Reviewing Engagement
Incentive applications received by the Department of Community & Economic Development include information on community engagement which is a factor in consideration of the application.

2. Further Engagement
Depending on the project scale and location, the Department of Community and Economic Development may recommend further engagement between developers and community members be conducted before City Council consideration.

3. Referral to City Council
Upon negotiation of an incentive agreement, the Department of Community and Economic Development will refer the incentive to City Council for review, discussion, and a decision.


Department of Community & Economic Development

Department of Buildings & Inspections – Zoning
805 Central Ave, Suite 500
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
P 513 352 2430

Department of Community & Economic Development
805 Central Ave, Suite 700
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
P 513 352 6146

Historic Conservation Office
805 Central Ave, Suite 500
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
P 513 352 4848

Cincinnati Real Estate Division
801 Plum St, Suite 214
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
P 513 352 3610

Department of City Planning
805 Central Ave, Suite 720
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
P 513 352 4845